Christian Camp Jobs & Careers
From summer staff to volunteers, internships and full-time staff positions, we offer many different Christian camp jobs and opportunities. Every position is crucial to our ministry.
Invest in a Christian camp job with an eternal payoff.
Glorieta. A place you can belong.
We believe that a life of adventure is a life well-lived. We share a love of the outdoors, but more importantly, a love for Jesus. At camp, we get to be ourselves. We inspire others, and we love what we do. Our staff are the heart and soul of our ministry. They all share a passion for something outside themselves. Their expertise, and enthusiasm for serving God and helping others, are all a part of what makes camp a unique place to work.
The most glorious summer of your life!
When you choose to work here, you’re taking a unique path. A career or a summer spent at Glorieta is a time to grow closer to God—and to the community of believers surrounding you. We won’t lie – this is hard work. But God will change and mold you during your time here, and the people around you will support you, lift you up and inspire you to excellence. If you love the outdoors and care about inspiring Christ-like change in others, there’s no better place to be.
We’ve got a job for you.
College is a time when students are thinking about careers and ways to achieve their goals. We develop our summer staff and help them use their time at Glorieta to make a real impact on their futures. Some are called to camp ministry as a full-time career, others go into the world to do incredible things for the Kingdom of God, using many skills they learned at camp. From counselors to food service workers, to camp administration to retail to volunteers, we’re looking to fill many different Christian camp jobs.
Job Openings

Summer Jobs
by May to apply
Glorieta Camps is looking for enthusiastic, fun-loving types who love God and want to make a deep, meaningful impact on thousands of amazing kids and their families. Candidates should be at least 18 and eager to serve with a servant’s heart.

Junior Guides
Ages 15 to 18
This program emphasizes service and discipleship through Bible studies, individual mentoring, service work, and adventure activities. Students are led by trained college-aged leaders and guides who walk side by side with them throughout their time at camp. By working behind the scenes, students learn the value of service to others, while earning up to ~100 volunteer hours alongside their team of 5 other Junior Guides. Students also grow to know Christ more and learn what a real relationship with Him looks like in a unique community. Our hope and desire is that students walk away from their Jr. Guide experience with an increased vigor to love God and people.

Our volunteers play a vital role in meeting the day-to-day needs of our camp. They help provide a safe, fun, and godly environment, and give campers the chance to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Our volunteers serve in many areas, both behind the scenes and in direct contact with our campers and families.
Christian Camp CAREERS
High School or College Degree
Some are simply called to Camp Ministry. Help keep camp organized and running smoothly throughout the year. We have everything from management staff to program assistants, IT, marketing and media, food service and maintenance . Our full-time needs are always changing so come back often.
As people come to us from all over the country (and sometimes beyond), our goal is to proclaim the Gospel and provide an opportunity for God to move radically in the hearts of those who earnestly need Him. We are always looking for others to join us in stepping into the unknown, the uncomfortable, the messiness of human life and who are willing to learn what it means to serve others humbly and wholly.