Support Us
Help us inspire Christ-like change through outdoor adventure.
Become a Friend
Like the aspens that are highlighted across the landscape of our Glorieta campus, our roots are broad and interconnected. Glorieta Adventure Camps draw people to Jesus as a Christian camp with a focus on youth and family outdoor programs, With roots that date back to 1949, Glorieta has welcomed generations of Christ-followers to northern New Mexico, and powerful experiences continue today with over 30,000 guests each year. Keep up with what’s happening by becoming a Friend of Glorieta! Our Friends receive our quarterly email newsletter along with special updates about Glorieta opportunities during the year.
Join our Glorieta Prayer Partners! Lift up our guests, staff, and activities to God.
One of our deepest desires is to lift up every guest to God and ask Him to use whatever we offer to advance His kingdom. Prayer Partners receive a monthly calendar to pray for groups and activities at camp, as well as special needs that arise from time to time. We also share testimonies of what God is doing with our Prayer Partners.
Apply to serve as a volunteer! See first-hand what God is doing.
If you have lots of energy, usable skills to share, and time to donate consider applying to serve as a volunteer for 2-4 weeks in the summer. Volunteers are pre-screened to ensure safety and fit for the many roles each might be called upon to fill in Guest Services, the Dining Hall, Housekeeping, Retail, and Maintenance.
Give to our Annual Fund
Glorieta Adventure Camps is committed to making twenty percent of our program spaces available to underserved youth through scholarships. Your one-time or recurring donation makes this possible! Eighty-eight percent of our Annual Fund goal of $294,000 goes toward scholarships.