Glorieta Adventure Camps Exists To Inspire Christ-Like Change Through
Summer Job Eternal Payoff

Join us in stepping into the unknown, the uncomfortable, the messiness of human life and learn what it means to serve others humbly and wholly.
Serving at camp is an investment in the future- an investment in eternity. Our passion is contagious, our work is hard, and the payoff is beyond this world.

As people come to us from all over the country (and sometimes beyond), our goal is to proclaim the Gospel and provide an opportunity for God to move radically in the hearts of those who earnestly need Him.
The most glorious summer of your life!
When you choose to work here, you’re taking a unique path. A summer spent at Glorieta Camps is a time to grow closer to God—and to the community of believers surrounding you. We won’t lie – this is hard work. But God will change and mold you during your time here, and the people around you will support you, lift you up and inspire you to excellence. If you love the outdoors and care about inspiring Christ-like change in others, there’s no better place to be.
Glorieta. A place you can belong.
We believe that a life of adventure is a life well-lived. We share a love of the outdoors, but more importantly, a love for Jesus. At camp, we get to be ourselves. We inspire others, and we love what we do. Our staff are the heart and soul of our ministry. They all share a passion for something outside themselves, and their expertise, enthusiasm and joy in serving God and helping others, are all a part of what makes camp a unique place to work.
We’ve got a job for you.
College is a time when students are thinking about careers and ways to achieve their goals. We develop our summer staff and help them use their time at Glorieta to make a real impact on their futures. Some are called to camp ministry as a full-time career, others go into the world to do incredible things for the Kingdom of God, using many skills they learned at camp. From counselors to food service workers, to camp administration to retail to volunteers, we’re looking to fill a ton of different jobs.